Tuesday 4 February 2014

"Tribalism in Kenya, Understand The Game"

I've never been to the Masai Mara, but I know what the tour guides probably don't tell you. But before we get to that, let's answer the small question first:

Q. Why they don't they tell you these things?

1. Some of them hate their jobs. They have never taken an interest beyond their routine tour guide drills and I wouldn't blame them for that. In other words, they just don't know these things.

2. Some of them have witnessed it, they know. But they don't understand it. They have been suppressed by their limited perspectives. Their scope is just too small. Just because you see
something doesn't mean you understand it. I wouldn't blame them either.

3. Some are very smart. They have figured it out. But they know too much, and that's the problem. They'd tell you but they know that you're there to relax, not to learn. That you'd rather witness some action, than listen to some "mere" tour guide. That you're probably going to take their views out of context, and get them fired.

Because the elephant in the vehicle is bigger than the biggest ones out there. TRIBALISM.

In the Mara, you'll find herbivores, omnivores and carnivores. From bacteria, to elephants. On land, under/in the water and in the air. And they all have one thing in common. THEY GROUP ACCORDING TO THEIR FEEDING PATTERNS. 

Human beings similarly group depending on their feeding habits. The rich, the middle class, the poor and special diets groups whose characteristics keep going up and down like a yoyo. The Politics in the Masai Mara is not a very democratic kind. It's works through implied terms, mainly due to the challenge of language barrier. But that's a good thing. You cannot incite or misunderstand the context in a set of words from a foreign language without a TRANSLATOR. 

Sadly, humans have developed common languages with serious elements of ambiguity that have been abused to incite to the extent of grouping themselves on a dialect basis in the name of tribes. If only we could learn a few things from the less evolved animals...or maybe some of us have already do that.

Most animals are territorial. Male Lions will kill, maim or hurt other male lions to establish an alpha male dominance status over a pride in a specific territory. They kill all male cubs sired by the previous alpha males instead of "adopting" them. They do all this so as to make feeding and mating more convenient. I call that PUTTING PERSONAL INTERESTS FIRST. 

I'm pretty sure we all know a few of these amongst our human counterparts. You'd think we are better off with this evolution thing going on so well for us but I wouldn't put my money on it. I don't know about you. 

Hippos will attack passersby and inflict fatal injuries for no apparent reason. And don't get me wrong. I mean, how can overreacting to a passers by's curiosity be justified in the name of protecting off springs? I know some men will  eat and/or copulate with anything nowadays but come on hippos... That aint right! I'll call that AGGRESSION.

I've heard of various theories from some human beings attempting to justify such actions. I call them

The theories may be correct, the problem is that most of them focus on defending the actions with little or no effort towards establishing long term solutions. Self defense is the only reason a human being should use force against another and am sure there are limitations, regulations and guidelines for doing that. 

Bees usually attack those who provoke them with brutal force, in RETALIATION. The first bee injects some scented fluids into the assailant's body, then the other bees follow that scent and use it to zero in to the enemies and sting them extensively (MOB MENTALITY). The other bees need not to understand the reason behind the brutal attacks. Most of the bees release part of their internal organs
with the sting and die soon afterwards, as COLLATERAL DAMAGE. They do so to please and protect a QUEEN BEE who never moves a muscle, STUPID MUCH?

Hyenas, vultures and other scavengers flock together to feast on the predators leftovers. They even attack weak or dying animals and eat them alive. They may appear inferior, but they are the biggest and most ruthless consumers on the food chain. Dear Human OPPORTUNISTS, am talking about you.

Baboons, cheaters, leopards, elephants and giraffes lead their lives in nuclear family groupings, sometimes solo but will always protect their own. They largely influence activities around them using their noticeable capacities. They are confident but they live suspiciously knowing that the lions get all the attention, but that doesn't make their influence any smaller. These are like the people who think that the world is perfect, as long as worldly problems don't affect them. Middle class people, you need to be part of the solution...COME ON!

Buffalo, Zebra, Wilder beast, gazelle, flamingoes among others live together. They literally thrive because of their sheers numbers. They multiply like calculators. They have to. They can't afford or risk leading a private life in the wild. Every meat eater wants a piece of them, but they always kill them get it. They are the most dispensable members of the Mara. Their death is thrilling to most. They are statistics, literally. But this's where the animals outclass, out do and show human beings how it's supposed to be done. These animals have the numbers, just like the average members of society. Their unity is makes them. They use their numbers to thrive. They don't segregate much and species related issues don't divide them. They don't fight for resources, they share them. When they move, They all move together. They do as many things as a unit. Their weakness don't define them.

But look at the average human being. Jealousy, hatred, tribalism, sabotage, racism and so many other divisive elements. Has evolution failed us? Why can't we choose to copy the herbivores for the next few years and see how that goes? Let's put our differences away and be a strong units. It makes no sense to unite only when the carnivores and the scavengers want to eat. Especially when they are about to feed on you. It does not matter whether the animal eating the grass with you is a zebra or a buffalo, a Luhya, a kalenjin, a Kamba, a kikuyu, a masai, a luo e.t.c. Eat the grass like a Kenyan, I mean hervibore. Stick together for your own good. The carnivore will eat anyone as long as they are
made of meat. Use your numbers to tame the carnivores. They cant survive without you, you can starve them if you work as a unit. You are stronger than that, and together, you are stronger than them. Wacheni ubaguzi na ukabila.

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